Purvis Cars has been re-launched in 2018 with one sole objective, to provide Eureka enthusiasts with easy access to replacement parts and accessories.
By giving owners a quick and reliable parts source we hope to make their rebuilds and restorations as easy as possible.
With the original Eureka moulds being recently refurbished and returned to the Purvis family by Ted Smith we are excited to say ongoing supply of original parts will be available for generations to come.
Purvis Cars have partnered with a local fibreglass specialist to manufacture parts, identifiy which moulds are ready for use and which will need further repair before use. Some items listed on the site may require mould repairs, these are clearly listed. Any moulds requiring repair will be restored if/when parts
are requested.
It’s our goal to support every owner restoring one of the 683 original Eureka’s so we can keep as many on the road as possible.

Need some further assistance?
Please send us the details of your query and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
Alternatively maybe take a look at the Purvis Eureka Car Club of Australia website http://www.purviseurekacarclub.com.au/ or contact the club via Facebook.